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Political shake-up: Kenya reevaluates Haiti mission plans after PM Henry’s resignation



  • The aftermath of PM Henry’s resignation: Kenya delays Haiti mission

  • Kenya’s unexpected move: Haiti mission paused due to PM Henry’s resignation

  • Breaking: Kenya puts Haiti mission on hold after PM Henry steps down

  • Kenya’s decision to hold off on the Haiti mission following PM Henry’s resignation raises eyebrows

Kenya announced a delay Tuesday in its plans to deploy a 1,000-strong police force to Haiti following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

The decision comes as a result of the altered political landscape in Haiti, with Kenya’s Foreign Minister Korir Sing’oei citing the absence of a counterpart to engage with regarding the mission.

Kenya would “wait until Haiti’s constitutional framework finds its footing again, before making any more moves,” said Korir.

The absence of a clear leadership structure in Haiti complicates matters, as the mission’s effectiveness relies on collaboration with a functioning government, according to Kenya.

Without a stable government to coordinate efforts with, the viability and effectiveness of the proposed mission have come into question.

The initial plan involved sending a significant contingent of police personnel to support peacekeeping and stability efforts in Haiti.

The US has pledged $100 million in funding for the UN-led mission if approved by the American Congress. Several other countries, including Canada, Jamaica and Senegal, have expressed their support for the initiative.

Haiti has been struggling with gang violence and political instability for years. The situation has worsened in recent months, with kidnappings, killings, armed robberies and other violent crimes becoming commonplace.

The Haitian government has requested international assistance to help restore order and security.

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‘She on the wheel’ Woman in E-Hailing Taxi Business regesters their association



There is hope for women in the taxi business after an association that will champion for rights was regestered.



The ‘ She on the Wheel‘ a woman E hailing taxi business was regestered earlier this week and its officials believes that it will be a turning point for women in the taxi industry.


Speaking to the press during its official launch in Nairobi, Jay Bee Masakhwi said that the association will talk on behalf of women in the business. The ladies will now engage with apps owners uber, bolt , little cab, farasi among other apps and strategies on pricing mechanism.


” This association will talk on behalf of women who are in the taxi business, this will help them fight all forms of injustices and all forms of violations of their rights,” Masakhwi said.


She called on women in the industry to quickly join the association for their rights to be protected.

” We are officially Registered ! Join us on our inaugural meeting as we celebrate the baby steps, ” she said.


The association has now embarked on recruitment among other key programmes for the welfare of its members.


More to follow…

Kenya Exposed allows guest blogging, if you want to be published on Kenya’s most authoritative and accurate blog, have an expose, news TIPS, story angles, human interest stories, drop us an email on: Follow us on Twitter and Facebook page.

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My Wife’s Post-Sex Ritual Is Leaving Me Questioning Everything



  • “Kama huwezi round 5 kuwa gay,” Kamba woman tells husband
  • 5 Rounds Not Enough: My Wife’s Appetite For Sex Drove Me to Depression
  • My wife could go satisfy herself in the bathroom even after 5 rounds; I cried
  • My Wife’s Post-Sex Ritual Is Leaving Me Questioning Everything
  • If you can’t hit me well and give me 5 rounds just be gay,” my wife told me

Runda – For 4 years, John Opondo and Kamba woman Mbinya were married. From the outside, their marriage looked flourishing, and many people admired them.
The duo had nice and well-paying jobs, two beautiful cars, and lived in the Nairobi upmarket area of Runda.
However, as they say, still water runs deep. Despite the outward appearance of a flourishing marriage, uncertainty was rising. Mbinya and Opondo were not very happy.

Wife not satisfied in bedroom

The fire in their bedroom had died. Mbinya always complained that Opondo was not making her feel like a woman, yet the Luo man from Muhoroni insisted he was doing all his best to ensure his woman hits cloud nine every day.

The situation had also rendered them childless despite having regular unprotected sex for the four years they were together.
“Parents and friends started asking if we ever planned to have kids. We knew there was a problem, but we kept telling them we would have them once we are ready. All of us wanted kids sooner since we were all looking forward to raising kids. But the discontent was loud. Mbinya kept saying I was not doing her right,” Opondo narrated.
The two reached out to sex therapists, religious leaders, friends, and even some elders, but even after following the instructions given, their situation got no better.

Woman pleasing herself in bathroom

In the fourth year of marriage, Mbinya started a funny behaviour. Every time after some bedroom action, she could go to the bathroom and spend about 10 minutes there.
At first, Opondo never paid attention. It was only one day he heard her produce a funny sound while in the bathroom alone, just minutes after sex, that he followed and was met with a shocker.

“I found her watching adult videos. Her hand was between her legs. She was pleasing herself. When I questioned her why she was doing that, she told me, ‘Kama huwezi fanya round kumi wewe kuwa tu gay.’ This statement finished me. I broke down. I could not believe my wife just said that,” Opondo continued to narrate.

According to the woman, she desired a man who would make love to her violently and in at least one hour. But Opondo was not violent and could not go up to an hour.
“That is why I was pleasing myself every time,” she said.
After the heartbreaking statement, Opondo said he was forced to share about the situation with his confidant Ngure, who was the best man during his wedding.

Fertility spells to cure barrenness

Ngure said that he knew someone who could help Opondo.
He referred Opondo to Mugwenu Doctors of +254740637248, who had cured his wife from barrenness and also improved her libido.
“They came through for me. My wife was never interested in bedroom matters. She was really trying but had no appetite for it. I was suffering, so I had to look for a solution from Mugwenu doctors and we found it. I am now enjoying my bedroom rights. Sometimes I am the one who says, it is enough or not today,” Ngure said.

After his conversation, Opondo reached out to Mugwenu Doctors who told him that many men were going through the same problem.
They clarified that it was not that the men were not powerful in bed but because of an extra high appetite for sex in some women.

Do sex demons exist?

They also said some women are also possessed with sex demons that make them not satisfied regardless of the efforts by the man.
The herbalists cast a powerful spell to drive away sex demons from his wife and also balance her hormones. For the hormones and body cleansing, both Opondo and Mbinya were given special herbs that Mugwenu Doctors sourced from holy forests in Congo and India.

They were then told that the spell would take effect sooner than they expected.
To their surprise, the following day after they performed the rituals, they decided to give it a try.
“It was a special night. Night of passion. It felt powerful, special and sweeter than anything. That night, he made water sprinkle out of me. I did not believe it. In just 20 minutes, I was in the highest cloud. I was breathless. Tired and could not even move. I slept like a baby,” shyly narrated Mbinya.

It continued like that for the rest of 2022. In December 2022, I got pregnant with twins. Thanks to the pregnancy spells he gave us as discount. They were born in July 2023.
“In September, 2 months after delivery, Mbinya was seriously itching for the stick. And the matches continue every day, thanks to the spells by Mugwenu Doctors,
They cured Mbinya’s addictions to masturbation, balanced her hormones, and gave Opondo the manpower and confidence every man needs to get straight As in the bedroom and this cured his stress.

The family is now happy again, thanks to the spells of Mugwenu Doctors, who continue to change lives across Africa.

What other health issues do Mugwenu Doctors treat?

Apart from healing addiction from masturbation both in men and women, Mugwenu Doctors, also have special remedies to cure erectile dysfunction, increase the size of manhood and also treat infertility both in men and women and even herbs for losing weight.

The spells they cast are powerful and usually work within 24 hours or within the same day they are released.
Other services/spells Mugwenu Doctors offer include:

  • Money spells and spells for loan payment
  • Destroying effects of black magic
  • Getting rid of effects of evil eye
  • Spell for release of prisoner
  • Spells to see enemies in the dream
  • Love spells   and Marry me spell

  • Lucky charm for financial problems
  • Spells To win a tender in government
  • Spells to win court cases
  • Charms for looking for jobs and Promotion at work
  • Family spells: For solving misunderstandings with family members
  • Being the only person suffering in the family
  • Spells to winning bets and other gambling activities
  • Body cleansing
  • Property cleansing
  • Business spell: Business cleansing, improving business sales and customer attraction spells
  • Fixing broken marriages/relationships
  • Finding missing person

Can addition to masturbation be treated?

Don’t wait any longer. Call them now on +254740637248 to get saved from stress and released from the chains of masturbation. Do not just assume that it is pleasing yourself.
Chances are high that you are a sex slave to some powerful demons that require special experts and specialist to drive them away. And with the over 25 years of experience that Mugwenu Doctors have doing this, you can be sure this will be a problem of the past.
Email them at
You can also visit their website at to learn more about their services and testimonials.
Mugwenu Doctors are the real deal. They will change your life for the better. Trust them, and you will never regret it.

Kenya Exposed allows guest blogging, if you want to be published on Kenya’s most authoritative and accurate blog, have an expose, news TIPS, story angles, human interest stories, drop us an email on: Follow us on Twitter and Facebook page.

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Woman Says She Could Please Herself 20 Times a Day Until Powerful Man Came to Help



Brain Spell
  •  Meet Samuel and Jane, two people who achieved their dreams with the help of Doctor Mugwenu’s Restore Back Power of Mind and Brain Spell
  • The law student (Samuel) and journalist (Jane) overcame curses, habits, and distractions using Doctor Mugwenu’s spell that restored their mental clarity and focus
  • Doctor Mugwenu’s Restore Back Power of Mind and Brain Spell is a powerful solution for anyone who wants to succeed in life; just call +254740637248
  • I was Addicted to Pleasing Myself Even at Work, but I Found Help

Meet Samuel, a former law student at UoN with boundless potential. His journey through secondary school had been marked by excellence, yet in the hustle and bustle of university life, focus became elusive.
Distractions took hold, and Samuel found himself ensnared in the allure of fleeting pleasures, leaving his academic performance in tatters.

Nilitamani sana kufaulu, lakini shida zilinipata. Nilipoteza muelekeo kabisa," Samuel reflected, a tinge of regret in his voice.
It was his mother who, in a desperate bid to salvage her son future, sought the help of Doctor Mugwenu,whose reputation as a healer and mystic is renowned across Kenya.
Nilimwomba Daktari Mugwenu asaidie mwanangu. Alikubali kunisaidia na akatupa dawa Restore Back Power of Mind and Brain Spell, Samuel mother recounts.
The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Samuel focus sharpened, and his academic performance soared.
He graduated with a second upper degree, an accomplishment that set him on a path to becoming one of Kenya most sought-after lawyers, having triumphed in over 26 significant cases.
Then there’s Jane, a woman of remarkable talent working for a powerful media house in Uganda.
Yet, a hidden struggle threatened to derail her career. Hooked on a habit that she couldn’t shake, Jane’s addiction to self-indulgence led her to the brink of losing it all.
Nilijikuta najiingiza kwenye matatizo makubwa sana. Ningeenda chooni kufanya punyeto. I just used to find myself doing it. I did not like it in the long run. I could do it even 20 times in a day but was never satisfied. Jane confesses, her voice laden with remorse.
Seeking solace and a way out, Jane turned to Doctor Mugwenu, who sensed a malevolent force at play – a curse from an envious neighbour who sought to hinder her success.

Daktari Mugwenu alinigundulia kwamba nilikuwa nikisumbuliwa na nguvu za kishetani. Alinipa Restore Back Power of Mind and Brain Spell,' na maisha yangu yakabadilika kabisa, Jane recounted with gratitude.
With newfound clarity, Jane overcame her disruptive habit. Her dedication and talent were duly recognized, leading to her appointment as the Chief Editor at the prominent radio station in Kampalanearlier this year.
These are not just stories; they are testimonies to the incredible power of Doctor Mugwenu’s Restore Back Power of Mind and Brain Spell.
If you find yourself struggling with focus, and clarity or facing hindrances in your path to success, reach out to Doctor Mugwenu today.

Contact Doctor Mugwenu today:
Phone: +254740637248
Embrace the transformative power of the Restore Back Power of Mind and Brain Spell and take charge of your destiny.

Kenya Exposed allows guest blogging, if you want to be published on Kenya’s most authoritative and accurate blog, have an expose, news TIPS, story angles, human interest stories, drop us an email on: Follow us on Twitter and Facebook page.

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