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Is the Butere based Mwale Complex a phantom project?




It had been billed to be the nextSilicon Valley of Kenya, with a one-stop shopping centre, offering amultitude of products and services to its customers, all under oneroof.

Upon its completion, the much touted Mwale Medical and Technology City (MMTC) was supposed to have a 5000bed capacity Hamptons hospital, a 36-hole golf course, a shoppingcomplex, 4800 new homes and 150 km of improved roads.

But investigations on the ground depicta different picture amid revelations that it is a project being toyedaround with the main purpose of conning donors by those behind it.
Former Kakamega governor WycliffeOpayanya aptly sums it with a clear warning: “I know the placewhere the purported complex is located, and I know the purportedproprietor well…..the whole thing is a scam aimed at conningdonors. Nobody has ever seen all those facilities being peddledaround.”

Julius Mwale, a self-proclaimedmultibillionaire had a vision for his people of Butere….that oftransforming his village into a medical tourism hub centring aroundthe Sh 250 billion Mwale Hamptons Hospital complex.

Determined to actualise his dream,Mwale acquired 5,000 acres that were previously a sugarcaneplantation for a local factory that had collapsed and then reachedout to farmers inviting them to partner with him on the anticipated 25,000-acre community-owned metropolis.

“If everything had gone according tothe plans that we had been given, Butere town would have beentransformed into a mega town, attracting visitors from all over theworld. We expected a lot not knowing that we were being duped,”says Jacob Toboso, a retired teacher at the nearby Musango market, afew kilometres from the purported MMTC.
According to Toboso, despite all thehype, both local and international, there is very little on theground about the project.

“All those stories you hear about a5000 bed capacity hospital, golf course and shopping complex arephantom projects. Those things don’t exist at all,” Toboso toldthis journalist who was on a mission to establish the authenticity ofthe project that has earned Mwale international recognition.

Interviews with residents living inButere and neighbouring towns such as Mumias, Kakamega, Busia and Bungoma , and adjacent market places like Buchinga, Shianda, Musoli,Bukura, Malinya, Buyangu and Shiasa denied the existence of suchfacilities.

“The only facility at the complex isa small clinic that seems to be treating workers there. But there isno hospital there. Our people seek medication at St Mary’s Mumias,Kakamga, Kakamega County Referral Hospital or the Butere Sub Countyhospital. The so-called Mwale Medical Centre is a phantom facilitythat we only read in the press,” says a resident who onlyidentified himself as Lambert from Imanga, fearing the repercussions that would follow him if his real identity becomes known.

Lambert says that apart from themagnificent buildings that adorn the complex to signal the existenceof some serious business going on within, nothing else is going on.
“There is tight security at the gatesto ensure that nobody accesses the complex to know whatever is goingon inside in order to leak it to the outside world. If indeed thereis a hospital, why have they blocked the residents from accessing it?Can they tell you just one person who has ever been treated from thatfacility?” Lambert questioned.

Indeed our efforts to access thecomplex tucked on an expansive land between Mumias and Butere bore nofruit as guards from a private security firm manning the gatesremained adamant insisting that nobody is allowed without permissionfrom the authorities, whose names and contacts they declined to give.Tales abound from residents about theruthlessness with which the “proprietors” deal with individualswho leak any information about the complex or individuals perceivedto be opposed to the project.

“Many people have been attacked undermysterious circumstances for being opposed to the project. Some haveeven mysteriously disappeared after receiving death threats. This isa hot potato that nobody would dare touch,” one resident whodeclined to be named said.
To ensure that nothing negative aboutthe project sees the limelight, major leading newspapers like theDaily Nation and the Standard have been gagged through courtinjunctions.

“The media has been gagged to ensurethat nothing negative comes out. Any media house that attempts toundertake investigations on what is going on in the complex is eithersweet-talked with some adverts, which are eventually not paid, orthrough a court injunction,” another resident said.

Interviews with prominent personalitiesfrom the area also revealed that there is no golf course beingpeddled around.
Oparanya, who hails from Butere and atone time was vocal against the project , before signing an agreementwith the lead investor Mwale, says the whole thing is shrouded incontroversy and mystery.

“On the ground there is nothing, butwe read in the press about how there is an ultra-modern hospital withstate of the art equipment. We have also been told of the existenceof a 36-hole golf course that nobody has ever seen,” Oparanya saidin an interview.
Oparanya now wants the government toundertake through investigations over the said facilities and tellKenyans the truth about them.

“Logically do you believe the storyof the existence of a 5000 bed hospital capacity? If KenyattaNational Hospital (KNH) has only about 2,500 beds and is consideredto be the biggest in East and Central Africa, then a 5000 bedcapacity should be the biggest in the continent. But who are thepatients that it treats?” Oparanya questioned.

Central Organisation of Trade Unions(COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli warned President William Rutoto be careful not to associate himself with MMTC.
“We have thwarted several attempts tohave former President Uhuru Kenyatta and now President Ruto to visitthe ghost project. It is a big scam and President Ruto should becareful not to fall a victim of this con game,” Atwoli said.
Atwo said he has never heard of anybodyfrom Butere or within Western region, who has ever used the purportedairport, golf course or the hospital.

Mid last month, the United States-basedKenyan businessman Mwale was honored with a Social InfrastructureAward during this year’s Africa Prosperity Champions Awards inAccra, Ghana.
The award gala that was in recognitionof Mwale’s contributions and investment in health, primarily withthe establishment of MMTC, was hosted by Ghanian President NanaAkufo-Addo.

“Your decision, as anentrepreneur, to invest heavily in setting up such a major healthfacility in Kenya, is both bold and responsible. And, to make itaccessible to ordinary Kenyans, particularly those covered by theNational Hospital Insurance Fund, is most commendable,” said GabbyAsere Darko, the Chairman of Africa Prosperity Network.
Also honoured at the event includedPatricia Scotland, the Secretary General of the Commonwealth who washonoured for her efforts in expanding trade in Africa through theCommonwealth.

Other winners were President AlassaneQuattara of Ivory Coast, CEO of Afreximbank, Creative EntrepreneurMr. Eazi from Nigeria and Egypt’s deputy Speaker and chairman ofCleopatra group Mohammed El Enein who won the Africa Industrialistaward.
Now the locals are questioning theinternational awards being given out to a phantom project that hasnever benefited them.

“Some of these people purporting torecognise this man should not just believe the pictures they arebeing shown but should come to the ground to see the reality. Thereis no such medical hospital being toyed around to convince theworld,” says Mark Shikuku, a retired civil servant from Muluwamarket, told journalists.

The project that was to be implementedin three phases from 2014 with phase one being the construction of Mwale Medical and Technology City, involving construction ofHamptons Mall and a residential complex was to have been completed by2020.
The second phase of the project, whichwas done between June 2016 and September 2017, was to cover the firstsection of the 5,000-bed Mwale Hamptons Hospital, more than 70km ofroads, and over 300 street lights. It was also to cover phase one of4,800 homes expected to host doctors and nurses.

The third phase of the project, whichwas to commence in September 2017, was to include an airport, a36-hole golf resort and residences, a second mall, a conventioncentre, and a water park connected to the hospital by a cable car.
“There is no airport. Tell me whichplane has ever landed there. All these are stories meant to hoodwinkdonors in order to easily con them,” Oparanya said.

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Three charged with stealing Ksh.300 million from Asianic Limited in Nairobi.



Frank David Kateti

On Thursday, three individuals accused of gold fraud were arraigned at the Milimani Law Court, facing new charges in a consolidated chargesheet for allegedly acquiring over 343 million Kenyan shillings by deceitfully claiming they could supply gold valued at 142 kilograms.

The three Frank David Kateti,Alain Mwandia Nvita Lukusa and Daniel Otieno Ogot pleaded not guilty of all the four counts before Milimani magistrate Wendy Nyamu who released them on the previous bond terms that were given to them by the previous courts.

Through their lawyer Danstan Omari,the three told the court that they have been supplied with the witness statements by the state ahead of the hearing and the determination of the case.

“We can confirm that we have received all the documents from the state in regards to this matter.”Said Omari

Omari who also applied for the released of the passport of the second accused person was however rejected by the state , according to Omari there was no order in the previous court that directed that the passport be detained.

“The passport of the second accused person is in the hand of the police,there was no order from previous court to detain the passport, we are therefore asking this hounarable to have the said passport be released for the purpose of traveling.”Said Omari

According to the state ,the passport is to secure the attendance of the accused persons in court,he can however seek the leave of the court to have his passport released whenever he wants to travel.

According to the chargesheet,one Frank David Kateti,Alain Mwadia Nvita Lukusa,and Daniel Otieno Ogot,that on diverse date between February 5th 2024 and 13th June 2024 at Nairobi city county, within the Republic of Kenya jointly with others not before court conspire to commit a felony namely stealing a sum of million 341,931,276.107 and 2,018,016 from Asianic limited by falsely pretending that you were in a position to sell 142 kg of gold to the said Asianic limited the fact you knew to be fault.

Four witnesses have been lined up to testify,the matter will be coming up mention on 7th of October 2024.

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Exclusive: Mohan Galot Shares His Story on Overcoming Obstacles in Manchester Outfitters Ltd



Mohan Galot

In a legal battle that spanned over a decade, Mohan Galot, a billionaire, successfully reclaimed his company, Manchester Outfitters Ltd (MOL), from his nephews who had embezzled billions of shillings in revenue. Yesterday, the High Court ruled in favor of Galot, declaring him the rightful director of the garment maker, bringing a satisfying end to the long-standing dispute.

Mohan and his nephew Pravin Galot have been battling in court for the control of the company incorporated on November 3, 1977.

But Justices Lilian Mutende, Chacha Mwita and Mugure Thande on Thursday found that the director of Manchester Outfitters Ltd is Mohanlal Pusharam Galot who is also the governing director.

Mohan testified in court that Manchester Outfitters was established in 1954 by his father the late Lachman Pusharam Galot as a sole proprietorship to carry on the business of uniform production and distribution.

It was later converted into a 50/50 partnership between Pusharam and Mohan.

They employed Mohans brothers, Lalchand Pusharam Galot, Ganeshlal Pusharam Galot and Sohanlal Pusharam Galot.

When Pusharam died on November 12, 1973, he left a will dated October 27, 1973, in which he bequeathed his four sons a quarter of his 50 per cent interest in the partnership.

As a result, Mohan’s share of the partnership increased to 62 per cent while each of his brothers got 12.5 per cent of the business.

The issues for determination according to the bench were who the shareholders of MOL are, and who are the directors of MOL.

They relied on the company’s articles of association, specifically article 10 which indicated that once Lalchand died, Mohan was to automatically and without any meeting of shareholders or directors assume the position of governing director of MOL.

He was to hold office until his death or vacate office under Article 13.

As the new governing director, the Judges said Mohan could exercise all the power and authority of the position.

“One of the powers he could exercise was the removal at any time of a director of MOL, howsoever appointed, other than a permanent director,”

Judges said it is not in dispute that Pravin was appointed managing director but at the same time indicated no evidence was placed before the court to demonstrate that Pravin or Rajesh Galot were ever permanent directors in MOL.

“The claim by the defendants that they were permanent directors is therefore without any basis,” the judges ruled.

During the hearing, Pravin and Rajesh admitted that their father Ganeshlal, Mohan, Sohanlal and Lalchand are brothers and the sons of Pusharam.

According to Pravin, he was appointed Managing Director of MOL in 1991.

His case was that there was no board resolution removing him from an office he had held for 31 years.

But the Judges in their ruling found that the removal of Pravin, Rajesh and Ganeshlal as directors of MOL by Mohan in 2007, was an exercise of the power conferred upon him as governing director by Article 10.

“In the circumstances, the conclusion we come to on this issue is that Pravin and Rajesh ceased to be directors of MOL on 14 March 2007 while Ganeshlal ceased to be a director on June 7, 2007,” they said

“It follows therefore that Mohan is the only remaining director of MOL,” they added.

The three-judge bench also cited a registrar record which contains notification of change of directors and secretaries dated March 17, 2007 showing that Pravin and Rajesh ceased to be managing director and executive director respectively, with effect from March 14, 2007.

They subsequently found and held that the shareholders of Manchester Outfitters Limited are Lalchand Pusharam Galot with 1 management share and 349 ordinary shares.

Mohanlal Pusharam Galot with 1 management share and 349 ordinary shares. Galot Limited with 700 ordinary shares and the director is Mohan.

Following the court’s ruling, Mohan in a notice to its employees welcomed the decision saying “I have been reaffirmed as not only the sole director but also its chairman and Governing Director of MOL.”

He assured the staff members that their employment remains secure amidst the changes which will be made.

“We appeal for your patience and cooperation during this period of transition,” read the notice.


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Land Grabbing Scandal: Lawyer Mwenda Njagi Takes Legal Action against President Ruto



Lawyer Mwenda Njagi
  • MP Kihara‘s Controversial Utterances Fuel Lawyer Mwenda Njagi’s Lawsuit against President Ruto

Ndabibi farm residents through their city lawyer Mwenda Njagi have vowed to sue President William Ruto in his personal capacity over the link to land grabbing after MP Kihara utterances.

The threat comes days after the MPJane Kihara made a public utterance insisting that President William Ruto is the bonfide owner of the said land.

Lawyer Mwenda Njagi while speaking her secured the release of A 90-year-old man had been remanded in an Industrial area prison for 12 years said that nobody is above the law.
The old mzee allegedly encroached on the disputed land which he has lived for decades.

The threat comes days after Naivasha Member of Parliament Jane Kihara made a public utterance insisting that President William Ruto is the bonafide owner of the contested 5000-acre piece of land at Ndabibi area in Naivasha.

Speaking at the Industrial area prison after securing the release of a 90-year-old man believed to be an alleged beneficiary of the land for over four decades Mwenda said that residents have instructed him to sue,

” Since the Naivasha member of parliament has told us who the owner is, We shall be moving to court to sue the President, ” Lawyer Mwenda said.

He said that court restraining orders related to the said parcel have already been violated.

Naivasha Mp Kihara Speaking at a public baraza, Kihara accused a section of leaders of being behind a syndicate of land grabbers targeting unsuspecting owners.

The defense comes one week after 19 people were arrested for taking down a concrete fence surrounding the land and destroying property worth 2.3 million shillings.

In the case the residents obtained an injunction with restrained inspector James Karanja of GSU, OCS Kongoni police station, IG,Attorney, and area chief Ndabibi location as interested party

here is a video

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