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‘I’ve Never Seen Something Like This” Chief Govt Pathologist Johansen Oduor Says Of How Rita Waeni Was Murdered




Chief Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor has expressed shock over the horrific killing of Rita Waeni, the 20-year-old university student whose mutilated remains were discovered at an apartment in Roysambu on Sunday last week.

Addressing journalists in Nairobi on Friday after conducting a post-mortem on Rita’s body, Dr Oduor said he had never encountered such a case during his long stint as a pathologist.

“This is the first time I have come across such an incident. I have never come across such in my forensic life,” said Dr Oduor.

He went on to state, “The killer looked like he knew what he was doing because when you look at the skin it looks like it was cut by a sharp object but when you look at the bone it was sawed off  with what looked like a hacksaw.”

The Chief Government pathologist further revealed that Waeni’s killer tried to extract her fingernails in a bid to eliminate traces of his DNA from the victim’s body.

Rita Waeni

According to Oduor, such violent crimes are characterized by a struggle between the victim and perpetrator, leading to a likely exchange of biological material between them.

“Another thing that we noticed is that the killer tried to clip off her fingernails for reasons which I may not be able to know and as a scientist when we see this we think that the person was trying to hide evidence so that we are unable to get his DNA from his victim,” said the Chief Pathologist.

Oduor however noted that he was able to collect samples from some of Waeni’s fingernails that were not damaged by her killer, further adding that the samples have been sent for further forensics analysis.

“So we have taken samples for further analysis so that police can continue with investigations. We might get remnants of the perpetrator’s DNA,” said Oduor.

While noting that the deceased’s head remains missing, Dr Oduor said “there was also a desecration of the body whereby someone cut the femur clean off so that the legs were apart from the trunk. She also lost a lot of blood but this could have been after death.” 

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Three charged with stealing Ksh.300 million from Asianic Limited in Nairobi.



Frank David Kateti

On Thursday, three individuals accused of gold fraud were arraigned at the Milimani Law Court, facing new charges in a consolidated chargesheet for allegedly acquiring over 343 million Kenyan shillings by deceitfully claiming they could supply gold valued at 142 kilograms.

The three Frank David Kateti,Alain Mwandia Nvita Lukusa and Daniel Otieno Ogot pleaded not guilty of all the four counts before Milimani magistrate Wendy Nyamu who released them on the previous bond terms that were given to them by the previous courts.

Through their lawyer Danstan Omari,the three told the court that they have been supplied with the witness statements by the state ahead of the hearing and the determination of the case.

“We can confirm that we have received all the documents from the state in regards to this matter.”Said Omari

Omari who also applied for the released of the passport of the second accused person was however rejected by the state , according to Omari there was no order in the previous court that directed that the passport be detained.

“The passport of the second accused person is in the hand of the police,there was no order from previous court to detain the passport, we are therefore asking this hounarable to have the said passport be released for the purpose of traveling.”Said Omari

According to the state ,the passport is to secure the attendance of the accused persons in court,he can however seek the leave of the court to have his passport released whenever he wants to travel.

According to the chargesheet,one Frank David Kateti,Alain Mwadia Nvita Lukusa,and Daniel Otieno Ogot,that on diverse date between February 5th 2024 and 13th June 2024 at Nairobi city county, within the Republic of Kenya jointly with others not before court conspire to commit a felony namely stealing a sum of million 341,931,276.107 and 2,018,016 from Asianic limited by falsely pretending that you were in a position to sell 142 kg of gold to the said Asianic limited the fact you knew to be fault.

Four witnesses have been lined up to testify,the matter will be coming up mention on 7th of October 2024.

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The Curious Case of Suspected Fraudster Odol Okombo Paul’s Missing Court Appearance



Odol Okombo

Odol Okombo, a suspected fraudster who impersonated a high-ranking official at Kenha and reportedly scammed a female entrepreneur out of Sh 2.5M, did not show up in court as scheduled today

According to the chargesheet tabled in court, the accused person defrauded a businesswoman Sh 2.5M on September 27, 2023 at Palacina Hotel in Kilimani within Nairobi County after lying to her that he was in a position to help her land a road construction tender.

He failed to deliver the tender to her even after defrauding her the said amount on the ground that he knew to be false.When the matter was mentioned before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Monica Maroro, the accused person was conspicuously missing and her lawyer told the court that he developed some breathing problems.” The accused person came in court and developed some breating problems, we pray that the matter be mentioned on Thursday for plea,” her lawyer told the court.

The court directed that the matter be pushed to Thursday.

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Scammed and Deceived: The Harsh Reality of Rogue Agencies in the Job Market



  • The Job Seeker’s Nightmare: The Hidden Dangers of Rogue Agencies

A visit by the National Assembly Committee on Diaspora Affairs and Migrant Workers to private employment agencies in Mombasa unveiled operations of rogue agencies defrauding Kenyans of their hard-earned cash under the guise of overseas job recruitment.

Chaired by Taita Taveta MP Lydia Haika, the committee uncovered disturbing practices at agencies like Al Hadhramy and Mahla, which has been in operation for 12 years.

Despite claiming to have facilitated the deployment of over 600 Kenyans abroad, the agency lacked essential office documentation, raising serious concerns.

Nestled inconspicuously along Makadara road near Barka Restaurant, the agency’s deceptive practices thrived in secrecy and trickery. From the busy Makadara road where traffic zooms past left and right, Al Hadhramy and Mahla’s faint signboard at the entrance easily goes unnoticed. It is almost impossible to imagine that this has been the silent gateway to the ruthless betrayal of hundreds of unsuspecting Kenyans in their quest to earn decent living.

A narrow steep plywood staircase leads to their suspicious looking offices upstairs. The visibly domineering Director Mutaila Masoud, shows up as her two workers are on standby clearly awaiting “further instructions” from the boss.

Masoud failed to produce any operational documents, and their business permit expired in 2020.

“Our guy in charge of records is in the field but we can print the files,” Director said, while instructing a worker to “locate the documents.”

Clock ticked and the wait got longer but the documents were nowhere to be seen. The staff, tasked with locating the files, quietly slipped away, adding to the agency’s suspicious behaviour.

Masoud, when pressed, admitted to occasional legal violations, including deploying workers with visit visas instead of work permits, a risky practice she attributed to the decline in UAE job orders post-Covid pandemic. It was such deceit that appeared to have angered the legislators who left in a huff.

Al Hadhramy and Mahla is reportedly involved in a con scheme where the director is said to have collected close to Sh20 million from over 300 Kenyans and left them stranded. Through availed evidence in form of receipts, OB numbers and video recordings, the committee learnt that some 387 young men and women who were desperately keen to travel and work abroad hoping were left in the dark after paying Sh50,000 each to the agency.

A total of Sh19,350,000 went down the drain in the said scam, according to Omar Said, one of a victim. “I was planning to go to Qatar for a security job by August last year. Having paid the Sh50,000 deposit, I was anxious to leave the country. They then told us that there was a slight problem with the Embassy and we ought to be patient…We understood like human beings. August, September and October were over. It was the same story and we continued being patient… Come November we started our own process. Initially they had placed us in the admins only AhatsApp group and we could not  comment and our voices could not also be heard. So, we formed our own group to forge the way forward,” Omar said.

That November, he recalls the agency called them for “an interview” in what would turn out to be a hoax meant to calm down their nerves.

But the wait would get even longer and drag all the way to January, 2024 where the director began ranting, telling “those who are impatient” to immediately withdraw.

“She said those who will withdraw will be deducted Sh35,000 each and refunded Sh15,000…we were shocked because we had no problem. It was the agency which had problems since it had failed to confirm our travel…we tried to seek assistance through police but we are yet to succeed,” teary Omar said.

He added: “We need the government to intervene. We have cracked our backs for the money. We have borrowed loans and sold our land parcels just to get the money hoping to get the job and now someone is defrauding us. If I pick a machete and begin stealing from people what will the government say?”

Another victim

Aisha Rashid Mohamed, another victim, blamed Masoud for wasting young people through a choreographed con game and asked the government to intervene and help them recover their money and documents from the agency.

“She seems to enjoy some protection because she does not want to listen to us. Even if you go there in the company of police nothing will happen because she will also call police who are loyal to her and it will be chaotic. We have waited for seven months to no avail,” Aisha said.

Masoud had told the committee that the agency has been recruiting Kenyans to work mostly in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

“After the pandemic, business took a nose dive and there were no more orders from UAE which had also cancelled all their sub agents. Now the UAE doesn’t issue working visas anymore,” Masoud told the committee. She did not shy away from revealing some of her dirty tricks and admitted to have occasionally violated the law and deployed workers to the Middle East with “visit visa as opposed to working visa.”

“Sometimes we are forced to deploy workers with a visit visa hoping it can later be altered into a work permit…which is a very big risk. This is partly why the UAE market has declined because nobody is willing to take that big risk,” she told the committee.

While citing Government bureaucracy and delays in accessing crucial documentation to facilitate travel clearance as some of the key setbacks that have continued to bog-down operations of the agencies, Masoud openly admitted that she often pays bribes to get passports and police clearance for her candidates.

For instance, she said: “If I have a client and maybe they do not have a passport. For the client to attain a passport it might take even more than three months, unless it somebody with detailed connection to help them fast track the process. Also, the Certificate of Good Conduct nowadays expires after six months even though you don’t get it in time.”

Another agency, Attawakul Limited, was found in a similar state, with its director, Yussuf Ibrahim, unable to produce staff files or contracts, underscoring the secrecy surrounding these operations.

In contrast, Al-Shifaa, led by Director Mwalimu Mwaguzo, presented all necessary records, highlighting proper operational procedures. According to Haika, the committee aims to address challenges facing migrant workers.

However, she expressed frustration at the lack of accountability and professionalism among some agencies, referring to them as “mere briefcase agencies.”

Over the weekend, National Employment Authority (NEA) Director General Joseph Njue came under fire for accrediting rogue agencies, with MPs urging the authority to take action against them.

Despite some MPs defending the agencies, calling for better policies to support them, concerns remain over the exploitation of Kenyan workers abroad.

Better policies

Njoro MP Charity Kathambi questioned NEA’s seriousness on the matter, saying the authority was doing injustice to Kenyans who are suffering abroad.

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